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How to write vacation rental listings that will sell

Shore Concierge Team

When you are trying to attract vacation rental property guests, you have to grab their attention right from the start.

Studies show that the average attention span of consumers is just eight seconds, with only 28% of words read on an average web page – although hopefully more than that are read on!

So here are seven handy hints and tips on how to write vacation rental listings descriptions that will sell.

Come straight to the point – and sell

Don’t be tempted to write a lyrical essay singing the praises of your luxury Bahamas vacation rental property or be coy about why your home is ideal for holiday guests – be up-front and trumpet its unique selling points (USP).

Hard-hitting headline

Capture the attention with a catchy and memorable headline. Try to limit this to as few words as possible. It can be intriguing, major on USPs and benefits, and should include a strong keyword for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes. You can use numbers, ask a compelling question or solve problems.

The property’s selling points

Next, include the important facts that guests are looking for in plain language and short, snappy sentences. Think of the issues that guests will base their decision upon. A unique location, rundown of rooms and space, special facilities, price and contact details are all important. Emphasise amazing amenities and outstanding architecture, décor and design elements. Always be truthful in your listings.

Location benefits

Now you’ve sold the exceptional aspects of your luxury Bahamas vacation rental property, focus on local attractions. Add details about special events, restaurants, stores, sports and leisure activities, transport facilities and other amenities.


Research online to see the most popular keywords and make sure your copy contains them, without awkwardly forcing them in.

Update whenever required

Tweak your listings to cater to different groups of guests – families, younger guests, businesspeople, seniors, boaters, sports enthusiasts – there are lots of different groups you can target. Also, alter your copy as you add in new amenities and attractions.

Need more help?

If you struggle with putting your listings together, then vacation property management expert Shore Concierge can help! In fact, we assist with all aspects of marketing, sales, finance and running your Caribbean vacation rental property business. Call us on +1 242 805-1500 to find out more details.


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